If you wish to nominate your boss, you must submit the following:

  1. Your name and the name of your boss.
  2. An anonymous letter of recommendation (this should not contain your name or their name).
  3. A short biography of your boss.

Guidelines for preparing your letter of recommendation:

  • He or she must be your current boss.
  • Only one name may be submitted.
  • The judges consider such things as:
    1. Your own view of your boss’s attitude toward you, personally and professionally.
    2. Your impression of your boss’s professional conduct, relationship with clients, etc.
    3. How he or she is viewed by other members of the firm.
    4. How he or she is viewed by the legal community as a whole.
    5. His or her participation in legal support staff affairs.
    6. His or her involvement in religious or community activities you think are appropriate.

The Boss of the Year is selected by a panel of three judges (comprised of local members of the legal community) who review the letters submitted. The judges are unaware of whom they are voting for and their choice is based solely of the letter you write about your boss.

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